Understanding Our Markets
Within the agricultural industry, Purebase provides soil amendment and crop protectant solutions.
Billion Dollar
Million Jobs
Supporting Agriculture
Million Metric Tons Of
Fertilizer Consumed Per Year
Our vision:
Agriculture and infrastructure without the environmental harm
We believe Purebase is part of nature’s solution to the food, water, environment, and building problems humankind is facing. It’s a natural alternative to corporate chemical, genetic manipulation and polluting industrial solutions currently on the market. Creating abundant food, water, and building material for a cleaner environment, and world for all living things is what Purebase is all about.
Your investment represents a unique moment in history – the global challenge of feeding the world is becoming more difficult with each passing year. Climate change and an increasing population base are exacerbating the problem. Chemical pesticides and GMO crops are some of the current solutions, but these solutions have caused a now trending backlash from the global public, governments, and NGOs. Natural, effective, economical, non-chemical solutions are required.
We’d like to help farmers create an abundance of food, while conserving more, and doing no harm.
To that end, Purebase Grow is a comprehensive suite of soil amendment products. These products provide a better, more natural way to grow, manage and increase yield on the farm and deliver higher quality products right to the table. All without harming the environment.

Understanding our markets.
Agriculture is a 775.8 billion dollar a year industry in the U.S.
Agriculture and agriculture related industries contributed $775.8 billion to the U.S. GDP in 2012, a 4.8 percent share. The output of America’s farms contributed $166.9 billion of this sum – about 1 percent of GDP.
In 2012, 16.5 million full and part-time jobs were related to agriculture – about 9.2 percent of total U.S. employment.
Agriculture production is a major use of land, accounting for over half of the U.S. land base.
Understanding our markets.
U.S. land area amounts to 2.3 billion acres with 1.2 billion acres in agricultural lands.
Fertilizer companies provide nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that are used to help plants grow. In the U.S., corn crops use approximately 45% of the total available fertilizer. This is more than the combined 29% that wheat, soybeans, oilseeds, fruit, and vegetables use. The remaining 26% is used by other crops and uses other uses such as pesticides.
Understanding our markets.
Crop production is concentrated in California and the Midwest.
Agriculture and agriculture related industries contributed $775.8 billion to the U.S. GDP in 2012, a 4.8 percent share. The output of America’s farms contributed $166.9 billion of this sum – about 1 percent of GDP.
In 2012, 16.5 million full and part-time jobs were related to agriculture – about 9.2 percent of total U.S. employment.
Agriculture production is a major use of land, accounting for over half of the U.S. land base.
Understanding our markets.
Agricultural production occurs in each of the 50 states and California leads the way.
California leads the country as the largest ag producer. In terms of sales value, California leads the country as the largest producer of agricultural products (crops and livestock), accounting for almost 11 percent of the national total, based on the 2012 Census of Agriculture.
Iowa, Texas, Nebraska, and Minnesota round out the top five agricultural producing states, with those five representing more than a third of U.S. agricultural output value.
Purebase harvests and produces a range of nutrients, protectants and soil and plant enhancers, allowing farmers to product safe and nutritious foods. We have developed a strict reduce, reuse and reclaim mantra for each of our manufacturing sites and facilities. We are deliberate in the management of our water systems, control our power usage, and strictly preserve and restore habitats in and around our production facilities. We take the stewardship of our extensive lands very seriously. We work responsibly and operate in harmony with nature and make sustainable production methods with minimal environmental impact our top priority.
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